„Tündéri nélkül csak "nagy" vagy "tökéletes" művek vannak. Az igazi remekmű néha nem is olyan tökéletes. Csak sugárzik, a "csak álom" is benne van, a csillagok fénye, a tündéri.” Márai Sándor
2011. február 27., vasárnap
Hardanger tűpárna
Tűpárna készült a kis hardangeres mintából. Amint időm engedi, elkezdem a nagyobb méretű párnácskát is.
Your projects are very nice, among all of them I like most your pencil sketces! I'm very fornd of hardanger and I'd like to express my opinion that using the appropriate thread and getting some information would improve your technique. You can find much about hardanger on the net, I suggest a site that I follow, where you can find very nice hardanger projects and very usefull tutorials!!! (http://carpacar.blogspot.com/). Greetings from Greece!!!
Dear Nouli, thank you for visiting my blog, and thank you for your comment. I know, that I have to improve my knowledge in hardanger stiching. It was my very first work in this art. I recognised, that I have to cut first the wholes, and only after that can I stich it. Another improvement could be, if I would stich with 1 line. In the meantime I created a second pincushion as a gift for Abile http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7SuN0ZxlZec/TZKym4S2lJI/AAAAAAAAHw8/P_mp88VoflI/s1600/DSCN1199%2B%2528564%2Bx%2B755%2529.jpg It is much nicer than the first one. Thankk you for the recommended site, I will visit this.
...megint megszólal amit ksézítettél....
VálaszTörlésKöszönöm Meleron! Ez csak kísérlet volt, de a technika megtetszett.
VálaszTörlésJaj de gyönyörű lett!!!!!!!!!
VálaszTörlésKöszönöm. Még kicsit gyakorolni kell.
VálaszTörlésHozd majd el szombaton, hadd csodáljam meg közelről is! :)
VálaszTörléswow! beautiful!
VálaszTörlésÉlőben is gyönyörű!! Nagyon köszönöm!
VálaszTörlésKedves Abile!
VálaszTörlésÖrülök, hogy tetszett.
Your projects are very nice, among all of them I like most your pencil sketces! I'm very fornd of hardanger and I'd like to express my opinion that using the appropriate thread and getting some information would improve your technique. You can find much about hardanger on the net, I suggest a site that I follow, where you can find very nice hardanger projects and very usefull tutorials!!! (http://carpacar.blogspot.com/).
VálaszTörlésGreetings from Greece!!!
Dear Nouli,
VálaszTörlésthank you for visiting my blog, and thank you for your comment. I know, that I have to improve my knowledge in hardanger stiching. It was my very first work in this art. I recognised, that I have to cut first the wholes, and only after that can I stich it.
Another improvement could be, if I would stich with 1 line. In the meantime I created a second pincushion as a gift for Abile http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7SuN0ZxlZec/TZKym4S2lJI/AAAAAAAAHw8/P_mp88VoflI/s1600/DSCN1199%2B%2528564%2Bx%2B755%2529.jpg
It is much nicer than the first one.
Thankk you for the recommended site, I will visit this.